Parish Life







On Sunday mornings during the 10:00 am Mass, children who are potty trained through 2nd grade attend their own Liturgy of the Word in the parish office basement. The children are dismissed from Mass with the Leaders of the Word after the Opening Prayer and return during the Preparation of the Gifts. Contact Armando Bravo | [email protected]

“Pray always!” The Good Book tells us, and Jesus exhorted us to make sure that our prayer was patient, persistent, and persevering.

Eucharistic Adoration accomplishes this. It tells the world that “we can’t give what we don’t have” and that if we do not constantly turn to God in prayer for His grace and mercy, we’re finished. “The best thing people of faith can do is pray… I can’t think of a better place to do that than before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. (Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York)

There is no formal format to private Eucharistic Adoration. Say the Rosary or your favorite prayers, read scripture, talk to the Lord and share your burdens, or just sit in His presence and let Him speak to you.

Eucharistic Adoration is offered at St. Frances Cabrini 24 hours a day, seven days a week in the Adoration Chapel of St. Hugh. Simply call the parish office to receive the entry code.

Feel free to stop in anytime during this time; spend a few minutes or an hour. In this hectic and busy world, wouldn’t it be nice to spend some quite time with the Lord.

For more information or for the entry code, please contact the parish office at 313-381-5601.

Inspired by the witness of St. Cecilia, patron saint of musicians, St. Frances Cabrini Parish welcomes all who wish to share their God-given talents in music ministry. We’d love for you to join our dynamic and welcoming music ministry program at St. Frances Cabrini. Our music director is also a teacher at our grade school and high school, and enjoys teaching others as much as he enjoys leading our musicians at mass! Whether you’re a musician with an extensive background and experience, or this is your first time with any interest, try us out! If you decide it’s not for you, no worries! At least you tried it. Music, like many others, is a ministry that thrives on community and all of us working together to share worship and share the good news of Jesus Christ. All are invited!

The Choir
Our largest vocal ensemble is open to singers 16+ and does not require an audition to join. The choir rehearses once per week on Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Director of Worship Tim Schneider | [email protected]

St. Frances Cabrini is seeking skilled instrumentalists to add to our worship team to lead music as a band or accompaniment (guitars, bass, drums, etc.) Instrumentalists need to be well-prepared and able to lead. Director of Worship Tim Schneider | [email protected]

Cantors lead music solo (without an ensemble). A cantor must possess a strong and confident voice and be well-prepared to lead music at Mass. Auditions are scheduled as needed. Director of Worship Tim Schneider | [email protected]

Altar Servers are part of a very ancient tradition in the liturgical life of the church. The server is a member of the assembly who assists the priest and deacon during the Eucharist and other liturgical ceremonies so that the liturgy can be conducted with grace and reverence.

Servers carry the cross and processional candles. They carry the incense and censer, assist the priest when he receives the gifts from the people, and assists the priest and deacon as necessary.

Boys and girls are fully initiated Catholics and in 5th Grade or above. Contact Fr. Ryan Walters | [email protected]

Proclaim the word! Along with our deacons and priests, St. Frances Cabrini’s lectors are entrusted with the crucial task of making the word of God come alive for the parishioners gathered at the Mass. Our parish is blessed with a diverse group of men and women who combine the power of the Word of God with their personal faith and public speaking skills. Serving as a lector provides an enriching addition to your spiritual life and to your understanding of the scriptures. Contact Jennifer Schuman | [email protected]

The administration of Holy Communion during the Mass is truly a ministry. It is the ministry of bringing the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ to the People of God. It is also the ministry of witnessing to faith in the real presence of Christ in the action of sharing the Eucharistic meal of Christ’s sacrifice. The ministry of the Eucharist should be treated with utmost dignity and reverence.

To serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, you must be Baptized and Confirmed Catholic, fifteen years of age or older, and eligible for this ministry. They are persons who sincerely try to live the Gospel message in their communal and individual lives. They should participate in the Sunday Eucharist and with God’s grace strive to live their faith in every aspect of their lives. Contact Fr. Ryan Walters | [email protected]

Ushers contribute effectively toward making the worship experience a reverent one for parishioners and visitors. By their actions, they are proclaiming God’s Word of welcome and all-embracing love. Ushers welcome those arriving for the weekend and Holy Day Masses, take up weekly offering collections, control the flow of communicants, and perform other necessary tasks.Adults and teens, both male and female are welcome to serve as an Usher.
Contact the Parish Office | [email protected]

Please consider joining us in our Greeter Ministry! As a Greeter you will be present at the church doors to welcome our parishioners and guests as they come to the weekend Masses. There is nothing better than being welcomed by a cheerful face when arriving for Mass. It is also a great way to meet people and share the love of Jesus! Anyone can be a Greeter. All you need is a smile! Families are welcome to greet together! You will be surprised what a difference it makes to the people you meet. Contact: Trisha Schlaff (313) 819-5881

These parishioners help with the behind-the-scenes preparation to make our church beautiful for the Liturgical Seasons of the year. Please consider volunteering as little or as much as your schedule permits.

Contact Maria Valdez | [email protected]


On the fourth Sunday of the month between September and May, teams of parishioners share the ministry of hosting coffee and doughnuts in Cabrini Grade School cafeteria after our 8:00 & 10:00 am morning liturgies. Scheduled on a rotating basis, each team typically serves three times per year.

Recognizing the desire of the elderly and infirmed to remain an integral part of our parish community, parishioners visit homes, hospitals and nursing facilities to share conversation, prayer and Holy Eucharist. Visits can be requested by calling the Parish Office.

Some of our members work on sleeping mats made from plastic grocery bags and some of our members work on reusable Sani-pads. There is NO sewing knowledge required! We have jobs like tracing, cutting, pinning, sorting, and packing. The sewing group meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from 12:00 until 2:30 pm in the Wayne Wesenberg Wing.

Supporting our fellow parishioners who are grieving the loss of a loved one, St. Frances Cabrini provides a meal for family and friends in the Holy Family Hall following the funeral liturgy. Dozens of parishioners share their favorite dishes to nurture the bodies and spirits of those gathered. The meal is arranged during the family’s initial meeting with parish staff. You can participate by donating food, becoming a member of one of the teams that serve the meal, and/or by serving as a team captain.

The Cabrini Seniors meet to play cards on Wednesdays at Noon in the Mother Cabrini Room. Light refreshments provided. All are welcome!

This group is for those 55 + years of age. Each month a themed luncheon and other activities are planned for enjoyment and socialization for active seniors, including parish, community and FOP offerings. They meet on the third Tuesday of each month from 12:00 – 2:00 pm in the Holy Family Hall. Day trips are offered throughout the year as well. Contact Robin Surma at [email protected] or Therese at or (313)436-0201 for information.

Tuesday Travelers coordinates four to five day trips per year to interesting and exciting destinations, we travel in style through Bianco Tours. Consider joining us for one of our upcoming trips and bring a friend or two. We have a great time together! All trips leave from the Church parking lot.

The Hospitality Ministry seeks to practice ‘intentional hospitality’ that permeates all parish activity and flows out to the community. Hospitality can be extended in countless ways – in one’s home, in a welcoming parish campus, through an inviting environment, a smile, an introduction, as well as care shown for each person. These are all small exercises that can serve as the foundation for helping people to encounter Jesus.

The Hospitality Ministry Team assists with outreach activities, sponsored events that promotes fellowship and community as we grow in a deeper faith and welcome new parishioners into our family. Serving on this team provides an opportunity and outlet to extend the love of Christ to another. If you have questions or would like to be a part of the Hospitality Ministry Team contact Trisha Schlaff at [email protected]. They meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm.

This group meets the 1st Tuesday of each month from 12:30 – 2:30 pm in the St. Martha Room of the Wayne Wessenberg Wing. The goal is to reach out to parishioners who have fallen ill, grieving the loss of a loved one, celebrating a milestone birthday or anniversary, and so on, with a card and note full of cheer, encouragement, and prayer.

Inside the ministry several opportunities are available – addressing envelopes, writing inspiring notes, sorting/organizing cards and the actual making of the cards. There is room at the Lord’s table for everyone.


Help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help you through the difficult days ahead. We know it hurts, and we want to help! The 13 week seminars take place in the winter, spring and fall on Tuesday’s from 6:30 – 8:30 pm in the Mother Cabrini Room.

Grief Support Group
This group is for those who have gone through the Griefshare program or another bereavement program and seek to continue on – going support with other adults who have lost love ones. You will feel the love and compassion of Christ through the group discussion on relevant topics, prayer, scripture and fellowship of others. All are welcome! No registration required. If you have questions call the parish office. This group meets the first and third Tuesday of each month in the Mother Cabrini Conference Room.


What are Discipleship Groups? Looking to grow in faith and friendship with God and others? Consider Discipleship Groups. “Encounter/Grow/Witness” is the threefold dimension of the Christian life articulated by Archbishop Vigneron. Once we encounter Jesus, we are then called to grow daily as his disciples. Discipleship Groups are one way St. Frances Cabrini is responding to Unleash the Gospel’s call to help parishioners grow continually as a faithful disciple.

To follow Jesus is to commit to lifelong learning and growth. Like Jesus’ disciples, our walk with the Lord today is not one lived in isolation but rather one immersed in community and enriched by authentic friendship with others. Whether at a home or at the parish in the company of friends (8 – 10 in a group), Discipleship Groups provide a place of deep transformation where adults can be known, loved, and cared for as they strive to deepen their friendship with Jesus and one another.

Together groups will study The Mass, break open the Sunday scriptures, explore life application, pray, discuss prepared questions and grow in relationship with Christ and each other. All are welcome to gather in these casual settings to build small pastoral communities of care and support.

Become a Discipleship Group Leader!
Do you have a willing heart? A little time? A learning mindset? If so then you have everything it takes to be a great small group leader.

A small group leader is one who is eager to accompany others on their faith journey. They lead a small intimate group of 8 – 10 people through each week meeting content, discussion and questions (weekly study material and resources are provided). Leader would set the schedule, communicate with participants and leadership team. The group leader would receive regular training and enjoy special social and formation events to meet and talk with leadership teams from other Discipleship Groups. One on one guidance and support is available with the help of the coordinator. Contact: Therese Tardiff @ (313)436-0201 or email at [email protected].


Welcome Weekend | Most of the people you see every day feel like something is missing in their lives. Welcome is an incredible experience that helps women discover what that something is—and what to do about it. It’s run by parishioners for parishioners, and its re-energizing parishes across the country.

Welcome is an experience for parishioners given by women who have previously attended Welcome at our parish. Through fellowship, faith sharing, hospitality, music, individual and group activities, Mass, and more, participants have the opportunity to step back from the everyday to reflect on their lives and their spiritual journeys and build meaningful relationships with other women in the parish.

Welcome Weekend is held on a Saturday from 8:00am-11:00pm and Sunday from 7:30am-3:00pm.  To make the most of this wonderful experience, we kindly ask that all participants commit to attending both days of the event.


The mission of ChristNet Center’s daytime program is to link homeless men and women in our Downriver Detroit communities with available services and resources in a daytime setting that can help them secure appropriate health services, more stable housing, and job skill development that will facilitate employment. They offer guests a light breakfast and lunch each day and depend on the community to assist with this service.

To assist ChristNet we provide lunches several days each month. If you would like to assist in assembling lunches, we meet at 9:00 in the Holy Family Hall Kitchen one day per month, dates listed in the bulletin. Your help would be greatly appreciated! Needed items include Juice boxes, individually wrapped chips, cookies, fruit cups, strawberry jam and monetary donations to cover the cost of bread and lunch meat.

A warm meal is prepared and served each month at the Drop-in Center on the Third Wednesday. Volunteers are needed to shop for food items and supplies, cook, serve, and clean up the meal. If you would like to volunteer contact Ann Raiche at (313) 433-9776.

Each year for one week in February, in collaboration with the network of local churches we provide nighttime shelter for up to 30 homeless men and women. As hosts, parishioners of all ages welcome these special guests by preparing and serving meals, coordinating nightly activities, chaperoning overnight and provide coffee and breakfast before they leave each morning. Sign up sheets for volunteers are posted in the Narthex four weeks prior to the start of the Warming Center week!

St. Frances Cabrini does not house a parish food pantry; however, we provide assistance to local initiatives through a monthly collection of non-perishable items. Each

month, a pantry and its needs are published in the parish bulletin; bins in the church Narthex are the drop-off point for donations. Donations go to St. Christine, Our Lady of the Angels and Perry Outreach Center

The Manna Meal Soup Kitchen is located at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Detroit, and co-sponsored by nearby Holy Trinity Catholic Church.

We provide three volunteers to prepare and serve a simple bagged lunch to more than 100 men, women and children on the fourth Monday each month. We meet outside Holy Family Hall at 6:15 a.m. and return around 9:15. Transportation is provided. Call Joyce McCabe, 313-506-6154, to volunteer. Monetary donations will help us purchase fresh fruit.

Located in the Brightmore Neighborhood in Detroit. We provide 4-8 volunteers every other month to help cook and serve the more than 300 men, women and children who depend on St. Christine’s for a hot meal. Volunteers meet in the Parish Office at 8:30 am to carpool to St. Christine’s and are back to Cabrini around 2:30 p.m. Donations of juice boxes and individually wrapped desserts are needed for the children’s bagged meal and monetary donations are always needed to help off-set the cost of the food. We also provide desserts to complement the meal. These special diners really enjoy brownies, cakes, pie, cheesecake, and cupcakes. If you would like to volunteer or donate homemade or store-bought goodies, please call the Rectory office and leave a message with the staff.

Twice a year, during Lent and in conjunction with AOD Mercy in Action Day in October, parishioners of all ages are encouraged to take part in a morning of projects at Holy Family Hall. Among the programs we support are: Sani-pads for young ladies in Africa, Blessing Bags of hygiene products for local organizations, cutting plastic bags for plarn mats for the homeless, decorating lunch bags for our lunch ministry, creating Comfort Cards of encouragement and fleece blankets for local nursing home residents.

During the season of Advent, St. Frances Cabrini supports local charities and people in need through its annual “Giving Tree” program. Christmas trees decorated with gift tags can be found in the Narthex. The gift tags identify a wish list for a particular charity. Trees including, St. Christine’s, Core City Neighborhood, Veteran’s, Pregnancy Center, Penrickton Center for Blind Children, St. Aloysius and Cabrini’s “Adopt a Family” tree. Parishioners take a tag and shop for the item listed. The unwrapped gifts are placed under the tree from which the tag was selected. The project is for the whole family that centers on the true meaning of Christmas.

The sewing group meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from 12:00 – 2:30 pm in the St. Martha Room of the Wayne Wessenberg Wing. Some of the members work on sleeping mats made from plastic grocery bags and some of our members work on reusable Sani-pads for the women in poor countries. There is NO sewing knowledge required! There are jobs like tracing, cutting, pinning, sorting and packing. Everyone is welcome!

Three time a year (September, February, and April) we sponsor a Red Cross Blood Drive for the community at large.

The St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Frances Cabrini offers assistance in multiple ways to those in need on a person-to-person basis. Members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society actively reach out to serve parishioners and others who are in spiritual or financial need, requests for help with rent, food, utilities, and medical assistance.

When people in need call for assistance, one of our members calls them back to discuss the basics of their needs. Many times, we can help them with referrals to the appropriate social services. After that initial contact, we will set up a home visit. A pair of our members will visit the person’s home and discuss the problems and ways to help. An essential part of the Society’s work is to provide help while conscientiously maintaining the confidentiality and dignity of those who are served.


Stay tuned for 2024 Cabrini Festival Dates!