



ChristNet Warming Center: Each year, for a week in March or April, in collaboration with a network of local churches, St. Frances Cabrini provides night shelter for 30 homeless men and women. As hosts, parishioners of all ages welcome these special guests by preparing and serving meals, coordinating nightly activities, washing their laundry and clothes, and packing lunches before they leave each morning. Sign-up sheets for volunteers are posted in the church Narthex.

Food Pantry: St. Frances Cabrini does not house a parish food pantry; however, we provide assistance to local initiatives through a monthly collection of non-perishable items. Each month, a pantry and its needs is published in the parish bulletin; bins in the church Narthex are the drop-off point for donations.

Soup Kitchens: Throughout the year, teams of 10-14 parishioners coordinate and serve lunch at the St. Leo, St. Christine’s and All Saints soup kitchens, all in Detroit. Each location serves 100-150 people who live in the surrounding neighborhoods.

Parish Service Days: Twice a year, during Lent and in October, parishioners of all ages are encouraged to take part in a morning of projects at Holy Family Hall. Among the programs we support are Blessing Bags of hygiene products, Sani-pads for young ladies in Africa, cutting plastic bags for “plarn” mats and decorating lunch bags for the Sr. Judie Ministry, creating Comfort Cards of encouragement and fleece blankets for Freedom House residents.

St. Vincent dePaul: The St. Vincent dePaul ministry at Cabrini offers assistance in multiple ways to those in need on a person-to-person basis. Members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society actively reach out to serve parishioners and others who are in spiritual or financial need, requests for help with rent, food, utilities, and medical assistance.

When persons in need call for assistance, one of our members call them back to discuss the basics of their needs. Many times, we can help them with referrals to the appropriate social services. After that initial contact, we will set up a home visit. A pair of our members will visit the person’s home and discuss the problems and ways to help. An essential part of the Society’s work is to provide help while conscientiously maintaining the confidentiality and dignity of those who are served.


Funeral Lunch: Supporting our fellow parishioners who are grieving the loss of a loved one, St. Frances Cabrini provides a meal for family and friends at Holy Family Hall following the funeral liturgy. Dozens of parishioners share their favorite dishes to nurture the bodies and spirits of those gathered. The meal is arranged during the family’s initial meeting with parish staff.

Coffee & Donuts: Each Sunday between September and May, teams of parishioners share the ministry of hosting coffee and donuts in the Blessed Solonus Casey Parish Center after our morning liturgies. Scheduled on a rotating basis, each team typically serves once every other month or so.

Homebound: Recognizing the desire of the elderly and infirmed to remain an integral part of our parish community, parishioners visit homes, hospitals and nursing facilities to share conversation, prayer and Holy Eucharist. Visits can be requested by calling the Parish Office.


Altar Servers, Lectors, and Eucharistic Ministers: A training session must be completed before service can begin. Please contact Fr. Ryan ([email protected]) to schedule.


Greeters: The Greeters’ Ministry is important here at St. Frances Cabrini parish.  Our greeters welcome all those who enter the doors of our church. The ministry strives to provide a warm and welcoming environment to both our familiar attendees as well as any new people coming to worship at Cabrini. If you are a natural with people, can smile, and be friendly, warm and helpful, this ministry might be for you. We ask that you prayerfully consider this ministry.


Ushers: The Ushers assist parishioners in finding seats, administer the collection at each Mass, distribute the bulletins, assist wherever needed, and provide a friendly support to all in Church. New members are always welcome to join our Ushers Ministry.  If interested, please contact the parish office for more details 313-381-5601.

Choir & Musicians: “The singing of the Church comes ultimately out of love. It is the utter depth of love that produces the singing. ‘Cantare amantis est’, says St. Augustine, singing is a lover’s thing. In so saying, we come again to the Trinitarian interpretation of Church music. The Holy Spirit is love, and it is he who produces the singing. He is the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit who draws us into love for Christ and so leads to the Father.” – Pope Benedict XVI

Indeed, singing comes from the very depths of love. With this understanding of singing – that is, singing as a manifestation of love – liturgical music should be regarded as more than just a mere component of the sacred liturgy, but rather as a necessary and integral part of the celebration of the Mass. Music that is beautiful, holy and truthful should enkindle our hearts for love of God. The singing of sacred music is to give glory to God and sanctify ourselves. What better way can we praise God, Our Father than with our voices?

The celebration of the liturgy involves the whole person, mind, body, and spirit. Through the gift of music, it should draw us, both the singer and the listener, ever closer to the divine mysteries of our Faith. If you are interested or consider joining the St. Frances Cabrini Music Ministry, please contact Tim Schneider by email, [email protected].