Upcoming Events
Senior Group 55+ Luncheon | 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Join us each month for a themed luncheon and other activities for enjoyment and socialization for active seniors.
All those in our Family of Parishes are invited to join us each month.
We look forward to meeting you and sharing in some fun events and activities.
Let the Shamrock Shenanigans Begin
Tuesday, March 18th | 12:00 – 2:00pm | $15 (at arrival)
Mother Cabrini Room (Enter through the door on Wick)
Enjoy a satisfying lunch of Shepherd’s Pie, a fresh salad, and Irish soda bread.
Finish off your meal with lime sherbet punch, iced tea and a delicious piece of shortbread for dessert.
Then sit back and enjoy challenging your friends to a few games of Bingo and some Irish Trivia. RSVP by March 14 [email protected] or [email protected] (313) 436-0201
Pope Francis Center | Service Opportunity
Finding the right opportunities to fulfill the call to service and support those in need can be challenging. We’re excited to share a wonderful opportunity to engage our parishioners and serve in faith.
We have a chance to become involved at the Bridge Housing Campus, part of the Pope Francis Center, as a Meal Team providing regular support preparing and serving meals alongside their talented chef. The location is near the former St. Leo’s soup kitchen near I-96 and Warren.
Meal Teams of four will cover the lunch shift from 11am-2 pm on the 3rd Thursday each month with our next opportunity on Thursday, March 20. We’ll meet outside the Cabrini Parish Office at 10:20 am on the designated date. All food is provided. Transportation as well will be provided. If you’re interested in joining us or would like more information call Barb Engler at (313)407-9511 or email at [email protected].
Many thanks in advance for your consideration in being a part of the critical team preparing and serving meals. We look forward to working with you!
Theatre Troupe | Mary Poppins
The Mary Poppins Cast is made up of students from our Grade School, Academy, and High School! Please come out to see their show live!
March 20th, 21st, and 22nd: 7:00pm
March 23rd: 3:00pm
Adults $15.00
Students & Seniors $10.00
Jubilee Celebration Gathering | 7:00pm
At St. Andre Bessette
Come join our family the 3rd Friday of each month for an evening of prayer, reflection, and fellowship in celebration of the Jubilee Year!
Each month will feature a different prayer experience lead by one of our Family of Parish Priest in the church.
St. Andre Bessette | 4250 W. Jefferson | Ecorse, 48229
ChristNet Lunch Making | 9:00am
We will meet in the Holy Family Hall kitchen to pack the lunches and make sandwiches. They will be delivered on March 22, 23, 24, 27 and 30. Volunteers are needed.
We are in need of several supplies to fill the lunches: juice boxes, fruit cups, individually wrapped cookies and chips. Monetary donations will help defray the costs of bread, lunch meat and cheese.
Donations can be dropped off to the Parish Office.
We also cook and serve a hot meal the third Wednesday of each month from 9:30 am – 1:30 pm at the ChristNetDrop-in Center in Taylor.
If you would like to assist call Ann Raiche at (313)433-9776. Our next service date is Wednesday, March 19!
End of Life Workshop | 9:00am – 12:00pm
Plan ahead for peace of mind.
For more information and to register, please visit
or call (248) 350-1900
Manna Meal | 6:15am-11:00am
We provide three volunteers to prepare and serve a simple bagged lunch. We will meet outside the Holy Family Hall. Transportation is provided. We currently have a group of six faithful volunteers.
We need additional volunteers to fill in as needed or to join a month rotation. To volunteer call Joyce McCabe (313) 506-6154.
Needed items: monetary donations for the purchase of fresh fruit, Free and Clear laundry detergent, bleach, or Awesome or Fabulosa for the shower and laundry facilities, or by donating gently used men’s clothing (seasonal only) and white underwear and socks. Drop donations off at the Parish Office.
Moms on Mission | 9:30am – 11:00am
Open to all Parishes every 2nd and 4th Tuesday 9:30 – 11:00 am
We will meet in the John Paul II Room of the Holy Family Hall at St. Frances Cabrini Parish
This group is founded to strengthen our bond to one another and our bond to Christ thought the vocation of motherhood. You will feel the love and compassion of Christ through the group discussion on relevant topics, prayer, scripture and fellowship with others. Mothers and children of all ages are welcome! No registration required. If you have questions call Katie at (864) 979-2291 or [email protected]
Tuesday Travelers | Solanus Casey Pilgrimage
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
- Must Pre-Register
- Departs 9:15am and Returns 5:45pm
- Snacks will be provided in the Motorcoach
See flyer HERE. For more information please contact Therese Tardiff
(313) 436-0201 or by email at [email protected]
Lenten Service Opportunity | 9:00am – 12:00pm
The Annual Parish Lenten Service Day is Saturday, March 29 from 9:00 am to Noon in Holy Family Hall. Parishioners of all ages are encouraged to take part in an awesome morning of community service, which begins with a continental breakfast and prayer.
All you need to participate is care and concern for our sisters and brothers in need, and enthusiasm. Together, we will accomplish great things.
Here is what we’ll be doing:
Sani-pads – Putting together sani-pad kits for young ladies in Africa.
Blessing Bags – Sorting and packaging hygiene products for distribution to Detroit-area organizations that serve the homeless.
Plastic mats for the Homeless – Cutting plastic grocery bags into strips, which are then rolled into balls of “plarn” to be crocheted into mats.
Sandwiches – Make and deliver 200 sandwiches for ChristNet
Comfort Cards – Decorating cards for residents of area nursing homes and soup kitchens.
ChristNet Lunch Ministry – Decorating lunch bags with positive messages for the monthly lunch ministry.
Fleece Blankets – Cozy blankets will be cut and tied for the residents of several local nursing home facilities.
The materials we need for these projects are attached to the cross in the Narthex starting on Ash Wednesday. Please take a tag or two and return the items below the cross or to the Parish office by Friday, March 28.
Sewing experience is not required, although we do need people with a sewing machine.
In order to prepare a place for everyone, we need to know who is participating in our Service Day. To register call the parish office at 313-436-0201 or email Therese at [email protected]
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
9:00am – 12:00pm
Auction | April 12, 2025
We are SLOPING by to give some “Apres Ski” Auction Updates. We are so excited for this year’s auction, and we hope you are as well, we know it is going to be SNOW much fun. The committee has been busy gathering donations, planning raffles and games and setting the menu, making decorations. The night is to be all that you have been “ASPEN ” for.
Just a few of our amazing items up for bid are:
Ski Trip- includes lodging and lift tickets, Sport Tickets, Name brand Purses, and so much more!!
Here are a few ways you can get involved:
¨ Donate a new or unused item or service
(décor, kitchen items, gift certificates, toys, etc.)
¨ Invite family and friends
¨ Purchase Raffle Tickets online
¨ Monetary donations are happily accepted
¨ Sign up to volunteer | time slots will update weekly
¨ Advertise in our catalog
¨ Attend the event
American Red Cross Blood Drive
8:00am – 2:00pm | Sunday, April 13, 2025
Spring into Life | American Red Cross
Anyone 17 and older, and have a valid I.D. are encouraged to come and donate. Donors should go to, click on enter sponsor code and then enter the code “Cabrini” this will bring up the available appointment times for our drive from which you can select a convent time for yourself.
Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment. Walk ins are welcome but appointments are strongly encouraged. Call the Parish Office with questions. Thank you in advance for taking the time to give life to another. God Bless you for caring.
Senior Group 55+ Luncheon |12:00pm – 2:00pm
Cost: $15.00 (at arrival)
Mother Cabrini Room (enter through door off Wick Rd)
Jump into Spring with Healthy Living!
Enjoy a fresh green salad topped with your choice of meats, cheese, and vegetables. Add some rolls and butter, soft drinks, and follow it up with dessert.
We have invited a Health & Wellness instructor to lead us through simple exercises and offering tips on Alzheimer’s Prevention, Regulating Blood Sugar and brain health! RSVP: [email protected] or [email protected] or call (313)436-0201 by April 11.
Jubilee Celebration Gathering | 7:00pm
At St. Alfred
Come join our family the 3rd Friday of each month for an evening of prayer, reflection, and fellowship in celebration of the Jubilee Year!
Each month will feature a different prayer experience lead by one of our Family of Parish Priest in the church.
St. Alfred |24175 Baske St. | Taylor, 48180
Jubilee Celebration Gathering | 7:00pm
At St. Constance
Come join our family the 3rd Friday of each month for an evening of prayer, reflection, and fellowship in celebration of the Jubilee Year!
Each month will feature a different prayer experience lead by one of our Family of Parish Priest in the church.
St. Constance |21555 Kinyon | Taylor, 48180
Cabrini Festival | Save the Date
Festival Hours:
Friday, June 6, 2025 | 5:00pm – 11:00pm
Saturday, June 7, 2025 | 12:00pm – 11:00pm
Sunday, June 8, 2025 | 1:00pm – 9:00pm
Featured Bands:
Y’All Band, Waydown Rivers, 50 Amp Fuse, Kielbasa Kings, and Stone Blossoms
Food Booths:
Polish, American, and Mexican
Rides provided by Mid America Carnival Rides
DJ all weekend!
Stay tuned for more information!
Jubilee Celebration Gathering | 7:00pm
At St. Mary Magdalen
Come join our family the 3rd Friday of each month for an evening of prayer, reflection, and fellowship in celebration of the Jubilee Year!
Each month will feature a different prayer experience lead by one of our Family of Parish Priest in the church.
St. Mary Magdalen |19624 Wood St. | Melvindale, 48122
Tuesday Travelers | Midland
Tuesday, June 24, 2025
- Must Pre-Register
- Departs 6:30am and Returns 6:45pm
- Snacks will be provided in the Motorcoach
See flyer HERE For more information please contact Therese Tardiff
(313) 436-0201 or by email at [email protected]
Jubilee Celebration Gathering
Location TBD
Come join our family the 3rd Friday of each month for an evening of prayer, reflection, and fellowship in celebration of the Jubilee Year!
Each month will feature a different prayer experience lead by one of our Family of Parish Priest.
Tuesday Travelers | Shipshewana, Indiana
Tuesday, July 29 – Wednesday, July 30, 2025
- 2 days, 1 night
- Departure Time TBD
See flyer HERE For more information please contact Therese Tardiff
(313) 436-0201 or by email at [email protected]
Jubilee Celebration Gathering
Location TBD
Come join our family the 3rd Friday of each month for an evening of prayer, reflection, and fellowship in celebration of the Jubilee Year!
Each month will feature a different prayer experience lead by one of our Family of Parish Priest.
Jubilee Celebration Gathering | 7:00pm
At Our Lady of the Angels
Come join our family the 3rd Friday of each month for an evening of prayer, reflection, and fellowship in celebration of the Jubilee Year!
Each month will feature a different prayer experience lead by one of our Family of Parish Priest in the church.
Our Lady of the Angels | 6442 Pelham | Taylor, 48180
Jubilee Celebration Gathering | 7:00pm
At Our Lady of the Angels
Come join our family the 3rd Friday of each month for an evening of prayer, reflection, and fellowship in celebration of the Jubilee Year!
Each month will feature a different prayer experience lead by one of our Family of Parish Priest in the church.
Our Lady of the Angels | 6442 Pelham | Taylor, 48180
Tuesday Travelers | The Parade Company
Tuesday, November 11, 2025
- Must Pre-Register
- Departs 9:00am and Returns 3:30pm
- Snacks will be provided in the Motorcoach
See flyer HERE For more information please contact Therese Tardiff
(313) 436-0201 or by email at [email protected]
Jubilee Celebration Gathering | 7:00pm
At St. Alfred
Come join our family the 3rd Friday of each month for an evening of prayer, reflection, and fellowship in celebration of the Jubilee Year!
Each month will feature a different prayer experience lead by one of our Family of Parish Priest in the church.
St. Alfred | 24175 Baske St. | Taylor, 48180
Jubilee Celebration Gathering | 7:00pm
At St. Constance
Come join our family the 3rd Friday of each month for an evening of prayer, reflection, and fellowship in celebration of the Jubilee Year!
Each month will feature a different prayer experience lead by one of our Family of Parish Priest in the church.
St. Constance | 21555 Kinyon | Taylor, 48180