Freshman Ice Cream Social

The Cabrini Ambassadors invite you to the Freshamn Ice Cream Social and Games! Please join us for a chance to meet your “Ambassador Buddy” and your fellow classmates. Thursday, August 15, 12 – 2pm – front lawn of Cabrini High School. The ice...

Sips, Nibbles and Fellowship – Saturday, July 13

Sips, Nibbles and Fellowship in the Garden, Saturday, July 13 We’re taking hospitality outside with a wine and cheese reception Saturday, July 13, after the 5pm Mass in our Memorial Garden (rain or shine; event will move to Holy Family Hall if weather is bad)....

Parish Picnic – Sunday, September 8

We have grand plans for our Parish Picnic on Sunday, September 8, so mark your calendars now to share an afternoon of faith, food and fellowship. This year, the Parish Picnic falls on Grandparent’s Day! Organizers are planning an afternoon of fun for all ages,...

More Love than Skill: A Saint and His Fiddle

More Love than Skill: A Saint and His Fiddle Tuesday, July 30, 7pm. A One-Friar Musical, by Br. Al Mascia, OFM, inspired by the remarkable life of Blessed Solanus Casey, OFM Cap. About the Event:This one-man, one-act musical tells the story of Capuchin Franciscan...

Festival Baskets

We have started to collect baskets for the Festival Booth, and want to encourage you to think about creating a themed basket for our game of chance under the big tent. Baskets, which parishioners create around a theme of their choice, go home with the winners of our...