Our parish will once again host the ChristNet Warming Center for one week right here at Cabrini in the Holy Family Hall.
We are one of 12 other local churches that have agreed to assist them with providing emergency assistance through the cold winter months.Currently several of the guests that go to the ChristNet Drop-in center on a daily basis are living in their cars or out in the woods.

So, the ChristNet Board out of concern for the situation have come up with a plan to provide temporary emergency shelter for the months of February, March and part of April. This plan would include host churches to provide a hot meal for the guests and a warm place to sleep through the night. They would get dropped off in the evening and picked up early in the morning. All their other needs that we would normally assist with will be met at the drop-in center such as; breakfast, lunch, showers and laundry.

So, with that being said we are hoping that you will assist us in providing for the homeless this week. A volunteer sign-up sheet for daily meals, supplies and nighttime chaperones are on the table in the Narthex. The efforts of many make this Christian outreach a success, and we are certain this year the same holds true. Monetary donations help to offset the cost of items that may need purchased for guests when they come to us asking for shoes, boots, coats, jeans etc.

If you have any questions, please call Therese Tardiff in the Parish Office, 313-436-0201 or [email protected].